Brandon Timothy's Fan Box

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Blog Post Since History Was Made


So by now the world has witnessed the election of the first President of color in the United States. At the time of my last post I was definitely a lot less upbeat about my American-ness but over the last week or so I have been feeling more and more like anything is possible. I need to be careful not to attribute these things to Barack Obama but to remind myself that the Lord's grace, mercy, and favor make nothing impossible for me (and for you as well). This refreshing sense of something (not sure exactly what to call it) has served to help motivate me for the last week or so . . . I've exercised a couple times, stayed at work past 5pm and done a lot of things that have me kind of scratching my head as I look back at it. Maybe I feel like my investment (hard work and long hours) can actually yield something in the future now that I have seen with my own eyes this very thing happen for someone else.


Not much to report under this word. I have been loving my pillow lately, enjoying sleep a lot more than I usually do for some reason. I am pretty sure it's because I have been putting out more energy (physical and mental) during the day . . . I've actually been dead tired when bedtime comes around hence the awesome times with the pillows and comforter. My love of reading is beginning to resurface as I am becoming more comfortable with being inquisitive on my job and in my thoughts and in my conversations with friends. I am loving the fact that the content for my first book is FINISHED and that my first idea for a start-up is steadily churning along . . . 2009 is going to be a good year, I'll tell you that right now.


The way people get excited about different things has been a very interesting case study in this election season. I've read a number of horrific stories having to do with a clash of opinion and the general inability to come to resolution in a civil and decent way. I have begun to think about what it would take to take certain people from immersion in indoctrination (in you name it) to a place of willingness to listen to (and maybe even learn something) another point of view. We have heard about the true genius of America in a couple of Barack Obama's speeches, but I would like to add that some of its genius will come from its citizens' diversity of thought and expression . . . we used to be (maybe we still are) the hub of innovation that all countries looked to and patterned themselves after . . . I hope the next four years take us back to that as we embark on a case study of what a diverse nation of people can do when enough of them commit to a 'change for the better' a 'change for the betterment of our children' a 'change we can believe in but also be a part of' and a 'change that we no one saw coming' . . . are y'all ready for that? I am.

that's all for now . . . God bless and I'll be back soon

til then you know what to do



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entrepreneur, writer, counselor, gamer, musician, hustler, bookworm, lyricist, engineer, salesman, friend, athlete, dreamer . . .