Brandon Timothy's Fan Box

Monday, May 24, 2010

Smelling the Roses [Picture Poetry]

[begin prose]

Sometimes I need to stop . . . 
From whatever I'm doing . . .
Job that I'm working . . . 
Dreams that I'm pursuing . . . 
Pause for a minute and just halt the confusion . . .
To step away is to see that it's all an illusion . . . 
My generation has come up with this conclusion . . .
They label you as worthless unless you're moving . . . 
You're nothing unless you're high functioning, hustling, doing . . .
No motion unacceptable slow motion is for losers . . .
I asked for more fast but beggars can't be choosers . . . 
Now that I've come to terms . . . 
With what I am and what I can . . .
And cannot do, I'm feeling like the plan . . .
In these last days and times is for me to understand . . . 
How to make more people smile and to be a better man . . .
If not for me for my fam I suppose . . . 
Stay tuned as I try to be honest with myself . . . 
To be still before God and to stop to smell the rose . . .

[terminate prose]


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Playing Around w/

mic check 1 2 1 2 . . . first single getting airplay in Ghana


stay Living Loving & Learning

About Me

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entrepreneur, writer, counselor, gamer, musician, hustler, bookworm, lyricist, engineer, salesman, friend, athlete, dreamer . . .